Collaborative Divorce
Divorce is a stressful and difficult process. But, there are alternatives a collaborative divorce is about cooperation, not litigation. You agree to remain out of court.
Laurie Schmitt is trained in collaborative divorce and believes that the process allows parties to find a more respectful and civilized solution to divorce.
Learn more about collaborative law and how our firm can help:
A collaborative divorce is about cooperation, not litigation. The parties agree to remain out of Court and focus on creating solutions that address the needs and goals of the parties and their children. Because a restructuring of the family is imminent, it is important for the parties to maintain their dignity, and maintain respect for the other party through the divorce process in order to shelter the children from the fallout from a difficult divorce.
This process allows the parties to resolve their conflicts through meetings, not through the court. The benefits of a collaborative divorce is very similar to mediation: speed, reduced expense, and total control of the outcome. A collaborative divorce allows the parties to be in charge of their own case, rather than placing the power into the hands of the Judge.
To obtain detailed information regarding the Collaborative Process, please visit:
Laurie Schmitt is trained in collaborative divorce and believes that the process allows parties to find a more respectful and civilized solution to divorce. Learn more about collaborative law and how our firm can help.
Free initial consultation provided on all family law matters. To schedule an appointment to discuss your case, please contact Laurie Schmitt, Attorney at Law, at 616.608.4634.