Once again, you find that your children’s summer vacation is coming to an end. And it’s time again to get your children ready to return to school. So how can you and your ex make your children’s return to school easier? By effectively co-parenting. And what does that mean?
The following is a short list of decisions that you and your ex can make together to make your children’s transition to school easier:

- Are the children changing schools and need to be enrolled? If so, who will be responsible for enrollment?
- Are both of you in agreement to change the school of your children? If not, have you filed a motion with the court seeking a change in schools?
- Will the children’s school have an orientation? Are both of you aware of the date? Have you agreed on who will be attending the orientation?
- Who will shop for school clothes, backpacks, and other school related necessities?
- How will the cost of these items will be divided?
- If you’re exercising a summer parenting schedule that differs from the school year, when will you and our ex return to the school year parenting time schedule?
- When will you start transitioning the children to a school time evening routine and bedtime?
- Are you and your ex willing to abide by a specific bedtime that will be upheld at both of your homes?
- Do your children need a haircut before school starts? If so, who will take them and who will pay for it?
- Do the children need to see the doctor or dentist before school starts? If so, who will schedule and take them to these appointments?
- Do the children want/need to be enrolled in extra-curricular activities? If so, who will be responsible for enrollment and who will pay for it?
- Are both of you in agreement to the children being enrolled in extra-curricular activities? If not, have you filed a motion with the court to resolve this issue?
What other child related issues do you encounter with your ex when you’re getting the children ready for the new school year to start? By having a discussion with your ex in advance, you can make the back-to-school process smoother for your children, and yourself, by preventing the battle before it begins. If all else fails and you and your ex are unable to come to agreements regarding major decisions, it may require court intervention to resolve the issues. If this is the case, you need to allow yourself enough time to file a motion and be heard by the court.
At Schmitt Law, PLLC we understand that the interests of your children always come first. Whatever your situation, Schmitt Law, PLLC is experienced, sympathetic and willing to help you achieve the best outcome for your entire family. Contact Schmitt Law, PLLC today by completing our online contact form, or calling us at (616) 608-4634 to schedule a consultation. Our office is located at: 401 Hall Street SW, Suite 112D, Grand Rapids, MI 49503.