If you are contemplating a divorce, you may want to consider the collaborative process as an option to the traditional litigated divorce. So, what is the point of a collaborative divorce, and what should you expect through the collaborative process? The following are a few of the reasons to consider the collaborative process for your divorce.
OPEN DISCUSSIONS: You and your spouse are free to discuss what’s important to you, or what your concerns are. There is no wrong or right, no win or lose, and no issue that it too big or small to discuss at the collaborative table.
GOOD FAITH NEGOTIATIONS: The collaborative process is based on working in good faith. You and your spouse should come to the table with the expectation that you will resolve your issues in a cooperative mind frame, not in a litigious mind frame.
TEAM APPROACH: The collaborative process is a team approach, which leads to you and your spouse having a better outcome in your case and better long-term satisfaction with that the outcome.
CREATIVITY: Through the collaborative process, you, your spouse and your respective attorneys may think outside of the box to reach a tailored resolution that makes sense for the you, your spouse, and your children.
INFORMATION SHARING: You and your spouse should be committed to transparency. This means you both will share the necessary financial information freely in an effort to obtain a fair and equitable agreement. The adversarial nature of litigation does not lead to good information sharing between parties in the discovery process.
FOCUS ON RESOLUTION: The difference in the collaborative process versus litigation is to focus on a positive outcome, not on litigation and who will win.
CONFIDENTIALITY: Through the collaborative process, you will keep your private life private. The collaborative process and all information shared at the table remains confidential. Therefore, you protect your private information, thereby protecting your privacy.
CONTROL THE OUTCOME OF YOUR DIVORCE: Are you willing to gamble on what the judge may decide? Through the collaborative process, you and your spouse have total control of the outcome of your divorce.
CONTROL YOUR FUTURE: Why leave your future in the hands of a judge who doesn’t know your family and their needs. Once again, the collaborative process will provide you and your spouse the freedom to control the outcome and thereby controlling your future.
AVOID COURT: The court system is less than ideal. You and your spouse may grow frustrated with procedures and processes of litigation, and may not be satisfied with a judge’s decision regarding your divorce. Through the collaborative process you and your spouse will avoid fighting in open court, as all discussions, negotiations, and agreements are made at the collaborative table.
Divorce is a painful and emotionally stressful time for everyone. That’s why more couples are turning to a gentler solution: the collaborative divorce process. A highly trained team of professionals work together with you to develop a fair, open and child centered resolution. If you want to avoid going to court, reach your own agreement, and promote positive co-parenting post-divorce, the collaborative divorce process may be an alternative for you. To find out more about the collaborative process, and to discuss if the collaborative process is right for you, contact Laurie online or by calling (616) 608-4634 to schedule a consultation. Our office is located at 401 Hall Street SW, Suite 112D, Grand Rapids, MI 49503.