Will you be a good father after your divorce? The following are tips for fathers who find themselves going through a divorce and learning how to parent on their own.

- DO acknowledge the special moments in your child’s life: your child’s birthday, their first day at school, school events such as holiday shows/plays, and a “win” at their softball game.
- DO attend your child’s sporting events, their extra-curricular events, and their school or church events.
- DO call or video your child on days that you are not exercising parenting time. Stay connected with your child between your visits.
- DO make your parenting time with the child special. It’s not quantity of time that is important, but quality of time with your child.
- DO be “present” during your parenting time (physically and emotionally). Make your time with your child about your relationship with them.
- DO engage in the daily tasks such as assisting with homework and talking to them about school and their friends.
- DO listen to your child. Assure them that they are safe to share their feelings with you, and that you are there for them. After all, divorce brings changes that impacts your child.
- DO find your own holiday traditions that you and your child can share during the holidays. Santa and the Easter Bunny can come to your house as well!
- DO stay connected with your child’s teachers/school by attending parent-teacher conferences and other school functions.
- DO be at exchanges of your child on time.
- DO effectively co-parent with your spouse.
- DO take an interest in your child’s medical and dental appointments. Perhaps you take turns with your spouse in taking your child to medical and dental appointments.
- DO be the best dad you can be! Remember, they look up to you and love you, and do not expect perfection.
If you wish to understand your rights as a father, or someone violates them, seek help. At Schmitt Law, PLLC, we help parents work together to create a parenting plan that is in the best interests of your children. Through mediation, collaboration, or litigation, if necessary, our knowledgeable Michigan family law attorney will be your advocate and help you through this difficult time. To schedule a consultation or learn more about our services, contact us online or call (616) 608-4634.