There are several ways your divorce can be finalized. Your divorce case can be finalized through negotiations, mediation, arbitration, or trial. If an alternate dispute resolution fails, and your case is set for trial, what can you expect to take place at the trial? The quick answer is at trial your attorney will present the issues, and the opposing attorney will do the same.
The following is an outline of what a day at trial resembles:

OPENING STATEMENTS: Opening statements are an opportunity for both sides to make an opening statement to the judge, briefly presenting their issues and the facts they intend to present. An opening statement is an outline presented by the attorneys, giving an overview of what they intend to show the judge at trial.
WITNESSES: Now that opening statements have concluded, witnesses will now take the stand to testify. In a divorce trial, the plaintiff (the person who filed the divorce) will present their witnesses, evidence, and exhibits first. Once they have completed presenting their case, the defendant will call their witnesses and present their evidence and exhibits.
CLOSING ARGUMENTS: Once both parties have presented all of their evidence, exhibits, and witnesses, it is time for closing arguments. Similar to opening statements, closing arguments are where each attorney will provide statements to the judge that explains the facts that were presented at trial, apply the facts presented to the Michigan law, and argue to the judge for a particular outcome.
WRITTEN ORDER: After the trial has ended, the judge will review and take into consideration all of the testimony, exhibits, and evidence presented, apply the Michigan case law, and issue a written order. This written order is the judge’s ruling on the issues. After the written order, the plaintiff’s attorney will prepare the judgment of divorce. This judgment of divorce must comport with the findings of the judge’s written order. Once the judgment of divorce is submitted to the court, the judge will sign the judgment of divorce and the parties are officially divorced.
Are you in the Kent, Ottawa, or the Allegan area and have questions about divorce and trial? Laurie Schmitt of Schmitt Law, PLLC has experience bringing divorces to trial and can help you bring your issues to court and obtain an outcome you are satisfied with. Call our Grand Rapids office at 616-608-4634 or contact us through our online form to schedule your consultation.