- FEELINGS. During a divorce it’s natural for you to have feelings of anger, frustration, resentment, and sadness. And if you don’t address your feelings, it makes it hard for you to move forward and make the important decisions necessary to complete your divorce. Seek a professional counselor to assist you in working through your feelings so that you can move forward, conclude your divorce, and move on with your new life.
- NOT UNDERSTANDING THE TRUE VALUE OF REAL PROPERTY. There’s no reason to guess what the value of your real property may be. It’s simple…you hire an appraiser to perform an appraisal. If you believe obtaining an appraisal isn’t necessary, or too expensive, you may be leaving thousands of dollars on the table in your settlement. Why guess? Let’s get a professional to tell us what your real property is worth. An appraisal is worth every penny as it prevents you from overpaying your spouse in equity or saves you from losing thousands in your pocket.
- NOT UNDERSTANDING THE VALUE OF RETIREMENT ACCOUNTS. Why would you take your spouse at their word. Or, why would you accept rough estimates of the value of your spouse’s retirement accounts. The settlement of your divorce now becomes a business transaction. And good businesspeople to not guess. Have your attorney request up-to-date statements for all of your spouse’s retirement accounts. Without exact information as to value of each account, it is impossible to reach an agreement that is fair and equitable for you.
- FAILURE TO DISCLOSE. If you or your spouse are unwilling to be truthful in disclosures, it once again makes it impossible to discuss division of assets. Failure to disclose comes in many forms such as under valuing or failing to list assets on a financial affidavit. The failure to disclose assets by you or your spouse makes it impossible to arrive at a fair and equitable resolution of your divorce case.
Do you know what the value of your marital property is? Determining the value of your marital property can be one of the most complex issues in your divorce. You have the right to expect a fair and equitable property division in your divorce. Schmitt Law, PLLC has the knowledge and skill to resolve financial matters using mediation and the collaborative approach, saving you time, money, and stress. To discuss your circumstances and legal options, contact Schmitt Law, PLLC online or call (616) 608-4634 to schedule a consultation.